Workshop Handouts

For many years, I offered a variety of workshops that I presented at homeschool conventions and community events.

I semi-retired in June 2022 and only rarely offer presentations. The workshops I did offer are listed below with their slides or handouts,

For Writers

How Your (or Your Child) Can Be a Published Author View slides here
It is easier than ever to become a published author. If you have something to say, write it down and tell the world. Author, Carol Topp will show you how to do it quickly and inexpensively. As the author of Business, Taxes and Tips for Authors and Publishers, and other titles, Carol will explain the process to become a published author.

You’re in Business Before You Make Money View slides here
Many writers think they don’t need to worry about taxes and business deductions until they make money from writing. But they couldn’t be more wrong! This workshop discusses what determines a business, the best business structure for you, tax deductions and business start up tips.

Hobby Writing: Pros, Cons and the IRS View slides here
When does your writing hobby become a business? When do you need to report hobby income to the IRS and what can a hobby writer deduct on his/her tax return?

Taxes for Authors (or Writers or Self-Published Authors) View handout
Federal income tax, self-employment tax and sales tax are all discussed as well as tax deductions and record keeping tips to make your life easier. Not as dull as it sounds and loaded with examples!

Writing as a Ministry View Handout here
If you write as part of a ministry of service to other, are you running a business or a nonprofit organization? The pros and cons of forming a nonprofit organization as part of your writing ministry.

Business Tips for Writers View slides here
Choices for your business structure including corporation and Limited Liability Company status are discussed as well as business start-up advice and record keeping tips for authors and publishers.

Micro Business For Teens

30+ Micro Business Ideas for Teens (and Parents!) View Handout

Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has encouraged hundreds of teenagers to start their own micro business. She’ll share with you at least 30 viable business ideas that a teenager (or parent) can launch this week. Plus information on how to get started, pitfalls to avoid and tips for success.

Micro Business for Teenagers: Starting a Micro Business  View handout

Encouragement for teenagers to start and run their own micro business. They will learn a lot while earning some money. A micro business can be started quickly and easily with no debt from home. Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has counseled dozens of teenagers starting a business and will discuss business plans, ideas. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together!

Micro Business for Teenagers: Money and Taxes (Can be Part 2 of a 2 part series) View slides
Encouragement for teenagers to start and run their own micro business. Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has counseled dozens of teenagers starting a business and will discuss taxes and record keeping. She will explain the basics of a business tax return, business deductions and the “hidden” tax on the Form 1040. Carol puts difficult accounting and tax issues into easy-to-understand English. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together!

Teens and Taxes view slides

Are you confused about whether or not your teenager owes taxes? Do they need to file a tax return? Can they be included on your tax return? Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and tax preparer, Carol Topp will lead a workshop to explain tax laws that apply to teenagers. Whether your student is employed, self-employed or just earning cash by babysitting, Carol can answer your questions. There will be helpful handouts, real life case studies and easy-to-understand explanations. Bring along your teenager! They may learn something!

Personal Finance

Career Exploration for High School Students View Handout

Too many students graduate from high school with no idea what career they should pursue. Homeschool mother and author, Carol Topp, will offer steps, resources and her experiences in helping students pursue a career path unique for them.

How to Teach Kids About Managing Money (When You’re Not Doing So Great Yourself) Resource List

So you don’t consider yourself a financial role model. Take heart, you can still teach your kids financial principles. This workshop offers tips on how to teach your kids the money basics as part of your busy lifestyle. We’ll also discuss what topics to teach at each age from preschoolers to college age.


Top(p) Ten Tips for Running a Homeschool Organization View handout

This is a “potpourri” of topics and attendees can bring up any subject they wish to discuss. Carol Topp will lead off with her Top(p) 10 tips for running a homeschool organization. Included are tips on bylaws, boards, avoiding fraud, hiring workers, buying insurance, and conducting fund raisers. A handout of tips for leaders to share with your board back home will be provided

We’re Not Raising Children, We’re Raising Grown-Ups View handout
What does your teenager need to know before they become the grown up you want them to be? Carol Topp, homeschool mother, author, accountant, and mentor to teenagers will discuss topics rarely covered in a textbook, but used everyday in adult life such as: career choice, money management and living independently. She will share tips on how to impart important lessons in a natural way and share resources to help you raise a grown-up!

Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out View handout

Homeschool co-ops are becoming very popular! This workshop discusses the benefits and disadvantages of co-ops. You’ll get advice on starting a homeschool co-op such as how to find interested people, how to organize, where to meet, and what problems to anticipate. Learn how to manage conflicts and volunteers, create a budget, collect fees, and pay teachers.

Homeschool Co-ops Are Like Marriage: Know What You’re Getting Into! View handout

Carol Topp, CPA, author of Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Then, Run Them and Not Burn Out, discusses the pros and cons of leading a homeschool co-op. Carol, the Homeschol CPA, consults with homeschool leaders across the country and will share tips on running a successful co-op and the traps you need to avoid. Plenty of time for questions and discussion about homeschool co-ops.

The IRS and Your Homeschool Group View slides

If your homeschool group bring in more than $5,000 a year, you may need to be paying taxes to the IRS or better yet become a tax exempt organization. Presenter, Carol Topp, a homeschooling mother and CPA, has helped several homeschooling organizations obtain tax-exempt status with the IRS and will discuss the pros and cons of 501c3 status, offer tips, helpful resources and checklists.

Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad IRS? How the IRS Sees Homeschool Organizations (good for homeschool leaders)  View Handout
Presenter, Carol Topp, a homeschooling mother and CPA, has helped over 200 homeschool organizations understand their status with the IRS. She will teach leaders the required filings to keep their homeschool organizations legal but with the least amount of government paperwork and interference. Tips and handouts on required reporting, taxes, and several examples from Carol’s experience will be offered.

Record Keeping, Transcripts and Plans for Homeschool High School Students View Handout
Sample Transcript in spreadsheet

Do you have questions on how or what you need to do to home educate your children through high school? How do you keep track of credit hours? Transcripts: what’s required and what’s not? What are colleges looking for? If high school creeping up and you’re not sure if you can do it or just need some guidance, this workshop is helpful and encouraging.