Carol Topp, CPA: Accounting and Personal Finance Personal Finance Budget is a Dirty Word One of my favorite workshops to present is called Budget is a Dirty Word: Money Management for Those Who Hate to Manage Money. Workshop Handout Here are some helpful tools I recommend to people to plan their spending. These tools (spreadsheets, etc) are from Good Sense Ministries. If you ever get a change to take on of there classes-go! It will change your life! Good Sense Spending Plan Tools Spending Plan handout If you would like me to present Budget is a Dirty Word to your group, contact me at Teaching Kids How to Manage Money I have taught over 50 high school students including my own two daughters how to successfully manage their money. Here are some articles and resources to help you do the same Articles Teaching Kids Financial Independence (online article) pdf file Resources Money Matters: Family Night Tool Chest by Jim Weidmann. Money Matters for Teens (Age 11-14) Workbook by Larry Burkett Money Matters for Teens (Age 15-18) Workbook by Larry Burkett Crown Financial Ministries ( has excellent advice on biblical stewardship, budgeting, saving, resources for toddlers, kids and teenagers. Dave Ramsey, author of Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace and others, hosts a daily call in radio show and tours the nation doing workshops. Financial Peace for the Next Generation is a 12-part video of Dave Ramsey teaching budgeting, investing, debt reduction and more to high school students. Good $ense is a teaching ministry offered through local churches. They offer a Budget Course and Budget Counselor training. For information visit Practical Money Skills is a website packed with articles and lesson plans for teaching all ages. I use the high school lesson 3 called the Art of Budgeting when I teach high school students. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) has a fantastic high school financial planing program. The six lessons cover goal setting, budgeting, savings and investing, insurance, debt, banking and career preparation. I’ve used NEFE materials in teaching personal finance class to high school students and find them extremely well done and free of charge! |